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План мероприятий на 2009 год

Igor Graholski: План мероприятий на 2009 год В рамках подготовки к 200-летним юбилеям войны 1812 года и в Курляндии планируем бой при Экау на 18 июля 2009 года. Бивуак в дворцовом парке графа Палена, а бой на поляне между рекой и лютеранской церковью.

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Igor Graholski: 200-летний юбилей битвы под Рашынем (1809) планируется быть18 апреля 2009 года в Варшаве на полях Мокотовских, планируется до 1000 участников.

Igor Graholski: Можно посмотреть фотки планируемого поля боя при Экау 2009. http://foto.inbox.lv/lutra/Iecava-Eckau_09-08-2008

Igor Graholski: Вариант сценария реконструкции боя при Экау. ( для обсуждения ) Бой при Экау 18 июля 2009. Бивуак корпуса Макдональда и рижского гарнизона располагается в дворцовом парке графа Палена. Командиры отрядов получают приказы и в соответствии с ними выдвигаются на позиции из лагеря. Бой планируется провести в два этапа, арьергардный бой на марше в парке в районе моста и потом основной бой за лютеранской церковью на поляне, где русские и наполеоновские силы разворачиваются в боевые линии. Русские отряды ген.Левиза выдвигаются первыми из лагеря в одной колонне в направлении к мосту в парке, где переправляются на другую сторону реки, выставляют перед мостом заставу. Франукзы выступают из лагеря 2 колоннами, 1-я ген. Graverta по дороге вдоль реки по направлению к большому мосту с целью перейти там реку, 2-я ген. Kleista переходит у лагеря реку по мосту и по дороге направляется по направлению к церкви. 1-я колонна Graverta, в авангарде выдвигаются разведчики, которые завязывают бой с заставой у моста, оттесняют их за реку и передовые отряды начинают перестрелку с основными силами русских. 2-я колонна Kleista на звук выстрелов, у развалин старой мельницы сворачивают с основной дороге к реке и спешат ударить русским во фланг. Русские силы как только видят, что их начинают обходить с фланга, прекращают бой и под прикрытием егерей, отходят к лютеранской церкви и на поляне готовятся встретить французов. У церкви остаются стрелки. 1-я колонна французов переходит реку по большому мосту и выдвигаются на позиции слева от церкви, под прикрытием стрелков. Атаку на русские позиции не начинают до подхода 2-й колонны, стрелки которой выбивают русских егерей с кладбища, занимают правый фланг, и начинают готовить атаку. Командир 1-й колонны может выслать отряд стрелков вдоль берега реки, чтобы через мост у мельницы атаковать русских во фланг.

Oldekop: Задействовать территорию близ лютеранской церкви - отличная идея!

Igor Graholski: Режим экономии бюджета в стране непосредственно отразился и на планы самоуправления Иецавы на планы мероприятий 2009 года. Из-за отсуствия финансирования праздник перенесен до лучших времен, возможно до 2012 года !!! УВЫ, такова реальность !!!

mercurij12: Как же так!!! И ничего нельзя предпринять?

Oldekop: Ну вот новость

Igor Graholski: Получил план и приглашения на мероприятия 2009 года в Австрии. Обработаю инфоррмацию и выставлю сроки проведения событий.

Igor Graholski: Die Napoleonic Weekends - Napoleon in Schallaburg 15th from 2 pm(!), 16th, and 17th May 2009 Opening of the exhibition, camp, market, battle 19th, 20th, and 21st June 2009 Natural garden as in the 19th century, exhibition, camp, market, Battle: Artillery theme 21st, 22nd and 23rd August 2009 Family festival, exhibition, camp, market, battle: cavalry theme Period of 1809 in Golling/Sbg and the fi ght for the Pass Lueg. 4th to 6th September 2009

Oldekop: Оу! Интересно!

Геннадий : Наверное будет интересно, особенно в Икшкиле.

Oldekop: Что насчет битвы под Рашынем,граф? :)

Igor Graholski: ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ Фонд 4 Полка Пехоты Княжества Варшавского КУЗНИЦА и Общество Древней Артиллерии «Арсенал» приглашает на инсценировку «СРАЖЕНИЕ ПОД РАШИНОМ 1809», которая состаяться 18 апреля 2009 года на Вилановских Полях в Варшаве Весной 1809 года Австрия объявила войну Наполеону и ударила на Княжество Варшавское. Принс Иузеф Понятовски располагая ослабленной армией, потому что много польских солдатов служило в разных районах Европы, должен был воспротивиться более дважды сильнее армией под командованием эрцгерцога Фэрдынанда д'Эстэ. В главную срожению дошло под Варшавой, в окрестностях Рашина, где встретились силы вражеских армий. Борьба началась 19 апреля с атакем передней охраны гэн. Мохра на отряды гэн. Сокольницкого. Польские отряды начались отступать и на узкой плотине попадли в артиллерийский огонь. Польская сторона потерявший часть собственной артиллерии стала в угрозе. В эти время принс Иузеф пребывал в своей квартире в Рашине. Слыша о трудной ситуации, он немедленно тронул верхом на место и лично сформировался снова заламуёнци батальон ведя его в борьбу на штыки. Через нескольких часов ожесточённой битвы Австрийцы не сумели отразить Поляков из главных позиций. В конце австрийская армия заняла часть Рашина, однако польские войска вытеснили её. Вечорэм борьбы устояли, а принс Иузеф с отрядами отступил к Варшаву. Срожение тактически остало не решенные. 20 апреля подписано конвенцию, в которой определино условия, на каких польскей армии уступить из Варшавы. Эти условия гарантировали оставление целой армии в полном оружием, не накладывание на город военной контрибуции, гарантию личной свободы жителей столицы и возможность возвращения раненых солдатов в ряды польской армии. Батальон польской армии остался на укреплениях Праги. После опущения столицы начался триумфальный марш на юг в Галицию, которая финально, после занятию Пулав, Люблина, Сандомежа, Замосьця, Лвова и Кракова, остала присоединена в КняжествоВаршавское. Австрийцы остались заставленны опустить Варшаву, а вскоре тоже границ Княжества Варшавского. 18 апреля 2009 года мы вернёмся в происшествия с 200 лет назад. В этом дне на местности принадлежащей теперь в город Варшавы состаяться инсценировка срожения под Рашином. Приезд реконструкционных групп планируемый на пятницу 17 апреля 2009 года, окончание мероприятия и прощание групп предусмотренное на воскресенье 19 апреля 2009 года. Есть возможность расквартирования в здании школы или на местности исторического военного лагеря. Просим взять собственного снаряжения для сна. Для желающих готовых жить в лагере обеспечиваем солому и древесину на костёр. Просим взять во внимания факт, что об этом времени года в Польше ещё прохладно, а ночи холодное. Все участники получат прокормление, воду и частичный возврат издержек поездки (ставка зависит от расстаянии подъезда).

derValj: Если требуются добровольцы - я к вашим услугам, граф, вместе с библией и барабанными палочками!

Igor Graholski: 196 лет битвы при Гросгершене состоится 1-3 мая 2009 года.

litregol: Привет, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4qQIbxOXaA

Igor Graholski: VII KORPUS AUSTRIACKI na RASZYNIE Brygada Mohr; Brygada Civalart; Brygada Pfacher; Brygada Kawalerii; Razem їoіnierzy okoіo 252, 7 armat, okoіo 20 koni. Szczegуіowy skіad brygad wygl№da jak poniїej: BRYGADA MOHR, dowуdca Hauptmann Lubomir Partyka. Lekka piechota: Legion Rosyjsko-Pruski (10) Piechota: Grenadierzy IR20 (25) Fizylierzy IR20 (20) Artyleria: Regiment Kaiser No.1 (10, 2 armaty) Razem ludzi 65, 2 armaty. BRYGADA CIVALART, dowуdca Hauptmann Miruњ, Lekka Piechota: Grenadier Jaeger v.Sell (15) Piechota: IR47 (12) IR33 (12) Wileсski Puіk Muszkieterуw (15) 1 Pruski Puіk Dragonуw (8) Artyleria: AGK v.Neisse (4,1 armata) Dziaіon Dragonуw (2, 1 armata) Dziaіon IR47 (9,1 armata) Razem їoіnierzy 77, 3 armaty. BRYGADA KAWALERII 17 kawalerzystуw, 17 koni.

Igor Graholski: BRYGADA PFACHER, dowуdca kpt. M.Mechliсski Piechota: Mohylewski Puіk Piechoty (52) Witebski Puіk Piechoty (24) Poіocki Puіk Piechoty (5) Artyleria: 50 rota artylerii (11) Razem їoіnierzy 92, 3 armaty.

Oldekop: почему легион русско-прусским именуют? Это ведь неправильно.

Igor Graholski: Naschie Plani 2009 (meroprijatija nemeckogo Legiona) GroЯgцrschen 01. - 03. Mai Dornstadt (Germany) 15. - 17. Mai Eggmьhl (Germany) 11. - 14. Juni Schallaburg (Austria) 21. -23. August Golling (Austria) 04. - 06. September Gцrde (Germany) 17. - 20. September Leipzig 16. 18. Oktober

Oldekop: На сражение под Рашином не едем?

Igor Graholski: С 200-летней реконструкцией битвы под Рашынем у организаторов возникли большие финансовые проблемы. И в Польше емеется на лицо кризис, правительство ограничело финансирование всех публичных мероприятий. Спонсоры денег е дали. Организаторы наприглашали уже около 800 участников, а реально принять могут только тех, кто приедет сам и привезет с собой свою кармешку. Т.е. отказываются от заграничных групп с Белоруссии, Украины, России. Нам не отказали, но и ответа никакого нет. До конца марта подождем, а там и Гросгершен в мае рядом.

Igor Graholski: Сайт реконструкции при Рашыне. http://www.raszyn1809.pl/

rombur: Igor Graholski пишет: И в Польше емеется на лицо кризис, правительство ограничело финансирование всех публичных мероприятий. Спонсоры денег е дали. Организаторы наприглашали уже около 800 участников, а реально принять могут только тех, кто приедет сам и привезет с собой свою кармешку. На прошедших выходных учавствовал в праздике в Ёнково (Польша) Организовывал Хорхе. С оплатой, кормёжкой и т.п. не было проблем. Так что кому-то что-то всётаки выделяют. Сконтактируйтесь с полякями, может ещё рано ставить крест в битве под Рашынем;) Удачи;)

Igor Graholski: Делегация добровольцев Легиона готовится к юбилейной реконструкции битвы при Рашыне. 18 апреля 2009 года будет сражаться в рядах австрийского корпуса.

derValj: Мысленно с вами!

Remi: Успехов!

Igor Graholski: Napoleon in Schallaburg Napoleon - General, Emperor and Genius 2009 is the anniversary of the important battles fought against Napoleon in Aspern and Wagram (1809) in Lower Austria that led to a coalition between Austria and Napoleon. The marriage of Napoleon with the daughter of the Austrian emperor Franz I sealed this alliance and brought him the long desired legitimate heir. Lower Austria’s International exhibition centre, Schallaburg Castle has dedicated an exhibition to the life of the legendary Corsican. From his youth as a simple French cadet to his death in exile in 1821. The exhibition is called “Napoleon - General, Emperor and Genius”. Napoleon in Schallaburg 2009 – World history brought to life The events of 1809 will live again in 2009. Over three weekends, visitors will have the chance to see what life was like for a simple soldier at this time. 2 military camps – one for the Austrian k.k army and the other for the French “Grande Armee” will be erected. They will have troops, craftsmen, markets, and many other everyday events to bring the beginning of the 19th century to life. Die Napoleonic Weekends: 19th, 20th, and 21st June 2009 Natural garden as in the 19th century, exhibition, camp, market, Battle: Artillery theme Freitag 19/6 9 am onwards market erection 12 pm onwards Arrival of actors, reception and registration by the grenadiers of the IR3, distribution of coupons for provisions and gunpowder, directions to camp site, camp erection. 10 pm Meeting for officers about programme. Saturday 20/6 7.30 am Wake-up call, breakfast 9 am Information focus: infantry, cavalry and artillery – equipment, uniform, and exercises, re-enactment (see attached) 12 pm lunch 1.30 pm Parade on the battle field, presentation of the individual troop units. 2 pm battle 3 pm information focus: infantry, cavalry and artillery – equipment, uniform, exercises, re-enactment (see attached), camp life and camp fire. 6 pm dinner, camp life (without public) Sunday 21/6 7.30 am wake-up call, breakfast 8.30 am Meeting for officers about programme 9 am information focus: infantry, cavalry and artillery – equipment, uniform, exercises, re-enactment 12 pm lunch 1.30 pm Parade on the battle field, presentation of the individual troop units 2 pm battle 3 pm information focus: infantry, cavalry and artillery – equipment, uniform, exercises, re-enactment 6 pm end of presentation, taking down of camp, payment, home. Operation sick bay: A wounded soldier will have a bullet removed, with fake blood and four men to hold him down. The surgeon will operate on the soldier who receives brandy to anaesthetise him and is bandaged at the end. E.g. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Duel: Re-enactment of a duel with seconds. Not sure if officers or civil persons should do this. Civil: duel to the end, one winner one loser Officers: arresting of the officers due the ban on duelling.... which could lead to a....... Court scene: With “war-rдthen” (according to the rules of duty 1807) who send the accused (in this case no officer) through a “switch run through the streets”. The Re-enactment Scenes: To give the visitors an impressive picture of the 19th century we would like to show various scenes with the help of the participants. A few ideas: Changing of the guards: At the entrance there will be a guard change every hour. E.g every 50 mins for every group – 2 soldiers, 1 watch commander and a ticket controller in civil clothes. During the changing of the guard the castle gate will be closed for a few minutes. Nobody may go in or out. A ‘Spanish rider’ will be erected and the scene should create an historical atmosphere, a type of gate into the year 1809. Operation sick bay: A wounded soldier will have a bullet removed, with fake blood and four men to hold him down. The surgeon will operate on the soldier who receives brandy to anaesthetise him and is bandaged at the end. E.g. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Duel: Re-enactment of a duel with seconds. Not sure if officers or civil persons should do this. Civil: duel to the end, one winner one loser Officers: arresting of the officers due the ban on duelling.... which could lead to a....... Court scene: With “war-rдthen” (according to the rules of duty 1807) who send the accused (in this case no officer) through a “switch run through the streets”. Recruiting scene: Interactive scene where the visitor is recruited, and (after successful application) is ordered to enter the corps and do exercises Deserters: 2 versions: chosen actors will be discovered, arrested and brought before a court martial or visitors could have the chance for an interactive role. etc... We need creativity. Every group, unit and officer is asked for suggestions that we will try to implement. What we offer the re-enactors: • Play area of 20.000m2 • Camp site for actors and horses • Provisions from the day of arrival for actors (meat and vegetables for self- cooking, water) and horses (water, hay, oats) • Fire wood and straw for the sleeping bags • Gunpowder • Sanitary facilities inc. Showers • Euro 70,- Travel expenses per person for uniformed actors and civil actors (costumes must be agreed with us first), sutlers and children receive no expenses but do receive provisions • Euro 200,- Travel expenses per person for uniformed cavalry with own horse. No horses are available to rent and there are no stables or tentboxes.

Igor Graholski: Война 1809 года очень интересна по своей сущности. После Эрфуртского Конгресса император Александр в случае конфликта с Австрии обязался выступить на стороне Наполеона. Так и случилось, после вторжения австрийского корпуса эоцгерцога Фердинанда в Герцогство Варшавское корпус Голицына перешел границы Галиции и формально поддерживал поляков. Так что добровольцев Легиона приглашают под Зальсбургом присоединится к солдатам Великой Армии 19-21 июня. Дни выпадают на праздник Лиго, так что можно выходные с пользой и удовольствием провести в Австрии.

Oldekop: Присоединюсь с большим удовольствием!

Igor Graholski: Последние новости по мероприятиям на лето : 27-28 июня 2009 года Дялтува в Литве. (27 июня у нас рабочий день) 22-23 августа 2009 года Чеханув в Польше

soldier of fortune: Igor Graholski пишет: 27-28 июня 2009 года Дялтува в Литве. (27 июня у нас рабочий день) Так вы едете? Я бы с удовольствием присоединился как штатный фотограф.

Igor Graholski: В Литву к литовским братьям камарадам добровольцы Легиона рвутся. Да будем собирать Легион на Дялтуву.

Igor Graholski: La Coruna, 1 June 2009 Dear friends, I would like to invite you to take part in the “Re-enactment of the Battle of Corunna 1809 – 2009”, to be held in our city on 31 July and 1 and 2 August 2009. The event is sponsored by the City Council and organised by the Organising Committee of the Battle of Corunna and the Historical and Cultural Association “The Royal Green Jackets”, with the collaboration of the Spanish Napoleonic Association. Among other events, there will be a floral offering at the tomb of Sir John Moore, a parade of the troops through the city to the Plaza de Marнa Pita, where they will be received by municipal, civil and military officers, culminating in the re-nactment of the “Battle of Corunna” on 1 and 2 August. I hope to see you soon, Warmest wishes, Javier Losada de Azpiazu Mayor of the City of A Coruna NOTIFICATION Dear re-enactors. As you already know, the City Council of La Coruna, via the Organising Committee of the Battle of Corunna 1809-2009, and with our assessment, is organising the spectacular Re-enactment of the Battle of Corunna at the Tower of Hercules Park. The event will take place on 31 July, and 1 and 2 August 2009, and the programme is as follows: CONDITIONS AND FINANCING: 1. Places are limited to 300 re-enactors, 10 cannons and 20 horses. 2. Nationalities: Spanish, French, British, Dutch, Belgian, Italian, Russian, Canadian, Portuguese, German and American. 3. Financing: Accommodation in bunk beds, with cupboards (at Alfonso XII Atocha Barracks), food (breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday), gunpowder and travel costs of 35 Euros per re-enactor from Spain and Portugal and 45 Euros per re-enactor from other countries (there will be no buses). 4. Given the impossibility of increasing the budget, and in order to be able to meet all the conditions we have promised, we regret that we cannot provide accommodation or expenses for non-military re-enactors (water ladies, partners etc); they are free to accompany the groups but will have to pay for all their costs (we might be able to include them in meals, but this is still to be decided). 5. We would be grateful if re-enactors could wear British or French uniforms corresponding to units that were actually in the Battle, but we can also accept Spanish and Portuguese units to act as British allies. PRE-REGISTRATION: 1. We would be grateful if you could send lists of participants (the deadline is 30 June 2009) to this address. The format should be the usual one for the ANE: name, function within group, ID or passport number, arms licence etc. 2. The organisers will answer as soon as is possible, depending on numbers of re-enactors who register, percentage of firearms etc. We look forward to hearing from you, Warmest wishes, WEB SITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: www.batalladelacoruna.com

Igor Graholski: На сайте литовских камарадов программа на Дялтуву. http://www.pulkas.puslapiai.lt/news.php

Igor Graholski: Готовимся к Дялтуве, но пока литовские камарады молчат по условиям. Все в лагере не сможем разместится, нужна будет крыша над головой в местном клубе.

Igor Graholski: С Дялтувой ситуация такова, что нет возможности спать в клубе. На всех палаток белых не хватит. Так что придется спать и в таких. Мероприятие по плану начинается в 12 часов, можно приехать кому то и в субботу к часам 10. Времени хватит собраться и в дело.

Igor Graholski: Period of 1809 in Golling/Sbg and the fight for the Pass Lueg. 4th to 6th September 2009 Golling 2009 – Experience world history live In 2009 a part of this history will be brought to life again. In Golling and the Lueg pass (both of these names are inseparable from the last great successful fi ght of the revolt) the beginning 19th century will be brought to life with market stalls, craftsmen and other examples of everyday life. Baverian and French troops will be driven from the Lueg pass by the peasants’ army and the regular Austrian k.k. soldiers. More than 800 actors – revolting peasants, infantry, grenadiers, artillery and about 25 cavalry, all in authentic uniforms, will re-enact the battle. Napoleons’ „Grande Armee“ and also the troops of the „k.k Armee“ all have historical weapons and equipment. Historical background The spirit of the population of Salzburg before the 1809 uprising is even more diffi cult to understand and explain than that of the people of Tirol although the destinies of both regions are closely connected. The tiroleans had a close but seldom friendly, contact to the Bayerns that reached back over hundreds of years coupled with a bond to the house of Habsburg, (the Austrian royal family). Salzburg, on the other hand, open-minded for modern thinking and new cultural developments was at the forefront of german-speaking countries. F.e., they enjoyed a freedom of press that was unprecedented in the southern german regions. After the treaty of Campo Formio on 17th October 1797 the Archbishopric of Salzburg came into Austrian hands – changed against the region of Lombardei. A more than 1,000 year independence was now at an end. It is said that Salzburg fought without any alliances with neighbouring dynasties in the Napoleonic wars, and were completely independent. However, the military in Vienna, were very interested in the country on a strategic level. The resistance of the Salzburg population was encouraged by the tiroler, Andre Hofer. The owner of a farm called “Sandhof” believed himself to be the stronghold commander and saw it his duty to secure the north, east and south borders of the ‘castle’ that Mother Nature had built. Into all this marched the French and Bavarian soldiers on the 30th October 1805. The Pressburg Treaty gave Tirol to Bayern and Salzburg to the Austrians. The once independent principality was now just an Austrian province with a parliamentary president at the head. It is now 1809 and Austria fi nds itself in the fi fth coalition war. Napoleons’ efforts to defeat the colonial powers, above all England, had brought the Corse to Spain and Portugal. Austria was encouraged to take up arms against France again- as the head of the Germans. Due to the success of the Spanish guerilla army in keeping Napoleon and his main army busy in Spain. It was decided to attack in three different places before Napoleon could get his army out of Spain. The main army would be led by Archduke Carl in Germany and two smaller groups would be led by Archduke Johann in Italy and Archduke Ferdinand d’Este in Poland (the earlier duchy of Warsaw). Field marshal Lieutenant Marquis Johann Gabriel von Chasteler and a body of troops should support the Tiroleans in their patriotic revolt, and see that Salzburg joined in. Military reforms in 1805 had strengthened Austria, especially the creation of a militia (Landwehr). The anti-Napoleon fi ght sparked off repercussions in North Germany and started many national uprisings. The declaration of war on France 09.04.1809 was made hoping that the Prussians would immediately offer help. This did not happen, confi rming Archduke Carls’ own opinion, who held the declaration of war as too early. On one side, the complete reform of the k.k. military was not ended, on the other side he declared Germanys support as an Illusion „Don’t rely on the Germans!“ and he sadly kept right. Austria received only a little help from the British, and Russia (former allies from 1805) even declared war on Austria 05.05.09! In March 1809, Napoleon realised that a war with Austria couldn’t be avoided. Reinforcements were sent to Southern Germany. On 10.04.1809 Archduke Carl led the main power out of Bohemia and on to Bayern. However, they were slow and Napoleon was able to unite his separated French and Rheinbund troops. The Austrians were engaged in many battles between the 20.04.1809 (south of Regensburg e.g. Battle of Abensberg) and the 22.04.1809. On this day they were fi nally defeated in Eggmьhl. The strategical initiative was grabbed by the French and Vienna was occupied without a fi ght on 13.05.1809. This was followed by Archduke Carls’ brilliant triumph in Aspern, which was unfortunately followed by his defeat in Wagram. FML Chasteler marched through Villach and into Tirol in the middle of March. At the same time Archduke Carl ordered about 10,000 men in Pinzgau (Salzburg region) to join up with Chasteler. During April and May the shorthanded k.k. troops, together with the Salzburger and Tirolean peasants, enjoyed one success after another. The military organisation of the Salzburgers and the Tiroleans were very similar. Altogether there were 23 rifl e and militia(landsturm)companies from Salzburg. Although the free Tirolean rifl eman were seen by the military organisation as having the same rank as the sharpshooter companies, it often happened that the enemy treated them as franctireurs and hung them on the spot if captured. A „character study“ of the militia groups of 1809 appeared in Nьrnberg in 1810: ...“The militia (lLndsturm) were dressed in uniforms. The jacket was grey, lined with green; the Tiroler hat, wide, round, dark green with a light green band tucked with a few bird feathers; neck, breast and knees were naked. The offi cers only wore a golden sword band to show their rank. The weapons of these unschooled and unpractised soldiers were a colourful array. Old tool sheds were emptied to fi nd them weapons. Matchlock rifl es were cleaned up for service. Where there were not enough, maces, halberds polearms, pikes and other similar old fashioned weapons, even sickles were used. The best shooters of chamois and other hunters brought their own drawn-barrel-guns“.... It can be seen at best how dangerous the French Emperor thought this uprising to be through the three quality men he put in charge of his divisions. Commander-in-chief was the French marshal Lefebvre. The two highest generals were from Bayern, Erasmus von Deroy and Karl Philipp von Wrede. Napoleons orders were clear and unmistakable even though they were contradictory to the rules of war at that time, „Charity and mercy are not for them“, no evidence of an uprising remain, it should be a „reminder of revenge for these mountain people.“ Lefebvre had the right to do whatever was necessary, as Napoleon said, „ils ont autorisй les massacres“. He even put a high bounty on FML Chastelers’ head. The military circles in Vienna were also convinced of the strategical importance of the Salzburg mountains. This was proved to be correct by the battles fought on the Lueg pass. These battles have become a glorious chapter in the history of Austria and those who defended him. The orders were to block the ways to Styria, Carinthia, the Salzburg mountains and Tirol. Napoleon had categorically said to Lefebvre, however, that the Lueg pass must be held open. He wanted to send 40,000 French and Bavarian troops into Tirol as soon as soldiers were available in Austria. Already on the 1st May 1809 fi ghting had begun on the Lueg pass. The Austrians held the upper hand against the half-hearted attacks of the Bavarians. The Austrians sent a company forwards to Golling to get enough provisions to hold the pass for at least 8 days. While they were loading up the wagons the advance guard from the French and Bayerns arrived. There followed a half an hour skirmish before the Austrians had to retreat due to the arrival of more infantry. However, on the Lammer bridge, the Austrians managed to provide so much resistance that the supply wagons were safely delivered to the pass. After many small battles during May and June 1809, Andre Hofer gave the order to attack at last. The appearance of the determined and well-known Father Haspinger got the ball rolling. Everything was about „forwards against the Lueg“ and pushing out the enemy. 1,000 men were gathered together in next few days. 1st company was given to Joseph Struber from Werfen and the 2nd to Peter Sieberer. In diffi cult conditions Haspinger tried to bring the landlord Struber, Sieberer and their men into the best possible positions. On 25th September Father Haspinger very early read Mass in Werfen and gave absolution. At 6 o’clock he gave the order to march. What followed was a terrible massacre with heroic fi ghting from the Pongauer companies. The Bayerns were attacked from along the Salzach river, and from overhead from the Tennen- and Hagen mountains. At the same time the fl anks in Lammertal were secured by rifl emen of Ennspongau. The enemy were pushed back and had no time to remove the bridge over the so-called „alten Klause“. Very quickly, however, Captain Fuchs gathered his bayerish troops together and with reinforcements who were already waiting south of Golling he reattacked. Three times the Bayerns tried to take Brunneck chapel where the most important Pongauer forces were and three times they were pushed back. At 2pm, under heavy loss, they managed it at last. The two Pongauer captains Seidl and Ramischek lost their lives. At about 5pm Peter Sieberer came out of the Bluntautal and opened fi re on the Bayerish right fl ank. At the same time Haspinger stormed forward. The Bavarians had to leave the little church and retriet back to Golling, crossing the Lammer-bridge. Setting this bridge under fi re, it was impossible for the Austrians to follow them. At the night of the 27th September, the Bavarians retrieted back in the direction of Hallein and Salzburg. Even on the 27th September, Haspinger stormed into the fl at Salzach valley and met resistance in Kuchl. On 29th September he had control of Hallein after a skirmish at Georgenberg. When Napoleon heard of this he said angrily, „I am disappointed with the Bavarian troops, tell me if the Bavarians want my esteem or my contempt.“ Struber, who beat 6,000 French and Bayern troops with just 400, was immediately a people’s hero and was awarded the rank of Major by Andre Hofer one day after the Lueg pass victory. The storming of the Lueg pass is a model example for the adept use of strong fl anking platoons on diffi cult to negotiate high mountain paths, by blocking the enemy with their own main forces. A huge thank you from the rest of the country remained allusive. In 1817 Struber became an honorary medal but the earlier decrees never happened and a promised diploma was later refused. In 1833 he was allowed a small pension. (Alms). Struber lived until 1845, esteemed by his neighbours. The erection of a statue was prevented by the emperors’ offi cials for decades. On 22nd February 1898 the „Wiener Zeitung“ was at last allowed to print in the late edition, a quote from a Salzburg newspaper: ...“The k.k. ministry for Culture and education has decided, in the circumstances that the Joseph Struber society has sent a sketch for the Joseph Struber memorial (..) that is more or less acceptable, for the erection of the memorial (..) subvention of fi ve hundred gulden“.... The Presentation: The battle and camp areas are found directly beside the Lammer river on whose opposite side is the long meadow which leads directly to the Lueg pass. In the right of the picture underneath is a small hill surrounded by trees. In front of this the k.k. troops, supported by the Salzburger militia and peasants, will try and storm the French/Bavarian stronghold and push them north. An important part of this presentation will be taken over by the Austrian Jдgerkompanie who will be on the other side of the river and will start the battle by crossing the river. There will be a confrontation between plundering French and the rescuing Austrians direct in the Markt Golling. We also wish to re-enact the historical episode of the rescued provisions. In between the presentations, the k.k. and French regiments will demonstrate their exercises, camp life, drill and a parade of all actors. Napoleon himself (Mark Schneider) will lead his troops. The Camp: In a fi eld right by the Lueg pass there will be a divided camp with Austrian and Bayern/French soldiers. Here the uniforms can be repaired, the rifl es cleaned, food is cooked, eaten, music is made, soldiers sleep - actual living history. As well as this classical camp life we offer information points where the public can collect information about the soldiers’ equipment, the regiments, the history etc... They can also try out different things. Music and song are a further highlight of this historical/romantic camp life. The Battle of Lueg pass 2009 - detailed programme Friday 04th September 2009: 09 am onwards Setting-up of market 12 am onwards Arrival of actors, reception and registration by the grenadiers of the IR3, distribution of coupons for food and gunpowder, directions to campsite and putting up tent 06 pm Offi cers meeting about programme of Friday evening 07.30 - 08 pm March of Austrians and French/Bavarians to the village of Golling, report to the authorities (Mayor), fi rst skirmish, „plunderings“ by the French, defending by the Austrians, march back to camp, afterwards camplife, music, 10 pm Meeting and generals dinner in Burg Golling for offi cers. Saturday 5th September 2009: 07.30 am wake-up, breakfast 09 am Information focus: Infantry, Cavalry, artillery: kit, uniform, exercise, drill, getting the crowd involved, shooting practise, drill with shooting, presentation of the cavalry (hitting the target etc...) 12 pm lunch 01.30 pm parade on the battle fi eld, presentation of individual troop sections 02.30 pm Battle (60 to 90 mins) The Salzburg and Tirol traditional groups, who are actively a part of the battle, are under the command of the k.k army. They will be armed with threshers, scythes etc.. The few with carabineers (Werndl, Wenzl) are under the command of the 1st Austrian Jдgerkompanie. 04 pm information to the public, camp life, camp fi re 06 pm dinner 07 pm ceremonial act on Lueg pass with a delegation from the re-enactor. At least one section from each group is expected with minimum a fl ag, an offi cer and one man. A shuttle will bring the participants to the Lueg pass and return 09.30 pm fi ring a salute by the artillery on the battlefi eld 10 pm camp life with historical music Sunday 6th September 2009: 08 am wake-up, breakfast 09.30 am ceremonial act with open air morning worship on battle fi eld 11 am Information focus: Infantry, Cavalry, artillery: kit, uniform, exercise, drill, getting the crowd involved, shooting practise, drill with shooting, presentation of the cavalry (hitting the target etc...) 12 pm lunch 01.30 pm parade on the battle fi eld, presentation of individual troop sections 02 pm Battle (60 to 90 mins) The Salzburg and Tirol traditional groups, who are actively a part of the battle, are under the command of the k.k army. They will be armed with threshers, scythes etc. The few with carabineers (Werndl, Wenzl) are under the command of the 1st Austrian Jдgerkompanie. 16.00 Uhr taking down the camp, end of event. What we offer the re-enactors: • Play area of 30,000m2 with the impressive background of the Salzburg mountains • Camp site for actors and horses • Provisions from the day of arrival for actors (meat and vegetables for self- cooking, water, beer) and horses (water, hay, oats) • Fire wood and straw for the sleeping bags • Gunpowder • Sanitary facilities inc. Showers

Igor Graholski: Сайт организаторов мероприятия в Геллинге 1809-2009 www.bauern-napoleon.at

Igor Graholski: Наши литовские камарады с Укмерге приглашают нас на поездку в Клодзко, что в Силезии на границе с Чехией. У них в автобусе есть свободные места. Выезд 14 августа с Укмерге в 19-00. Обратно в Укмерге 17 августа рано утром.

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